First Things First: Why on Earth would I need my own website?
Well, it's funny you should ask. While it wasn't my idea -- this site was a gift from my son -- I certainly do have a number of ideas for how I intend to use it. I think I will be selfish at first and use it primarily as a glorified Favorites menu. After all, it should be as easy as possible for me to reach my most frequently-visited sites, like eBay and Google. Right? Those links (and more) can be found on the appropriately-named Links page.
Some of my other online pursuits are centrally located here, too. My Genaeology work is detailed on the RAOGK page. Head there if you have no idea what RAOGK means, for example! I'll also post some information there about where I've done my research, for whom, and some of what I've discovered about the Stoffels family.
I also have a link to my online photo albums via the Pictures page. There will likely be more content added to this site in the future, so check back soon. If you have some ideas for what you'd like to see, be sure to sign the Guestbook!